Written By :Appsierra

Tue Nov 14 2023

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Getting Started With Automated UI Testing – Picking The Right Tools

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 Automated UI Testing

It's tough to get started on the road to Automated UI testing. It might be difficult to attempt to select the proper place to start when it comes to numerous ui automation testing tools, assertion libraries, testing frameworks, and even what to test. This article will discuss the many User Interface (UI) testing frameworks and technologies available to you, as well as the various components that make up a comprehensive framework.

Maybe you're a small scale development firm in charge of both the development and testing of your app. Perhaps you're in a situation in your company where you're being asked to choose how to perform automated ui testing, even if you've never had to do so before. You could even be a manual QA tester who wants to start automated ui testing, but you need guidance on which tools to use and where to begin your testing journey because you have little or no expertise.

The alternatives are many and varied, standards and tools are continuously developing, and it's difficult to know where to begin, as there are too many options available in the software industry. Should you utilize a JavaScript testing framework like Cypress or Playwright, or should you use a framework that incorporates Selenium or Appium automation tools? What kinds of tools, libraries, and plugins should you think about?

Environments for Automated UI Testing

Below are the environments for automated UI testing:

Web browsers for desktops

Different sorts of test environments are covered by different testing technologies. You may have heard of frameworks like Cypress, Playwright, Puppeteer, or Test Cafe if you just need to test desktop web apps developed with the newest technological stacks, such as Angular, ReactJS, or Vue.js.

These frameworks are more developer-focused, provide more access to your web application's source code, and interact with the browser differently than Selenium-based frameworks. It's critical to determine whether the framework you're using can handle all of the criteria you'll need to test your app. Using UI automation testing tools supports various sorts of developer-centric JavaScript frameworks.

You also have the choice of using Selenium or WebDriver ui automation testing tools for browsers. It can enable almost any browser version to be communicated and automated, combined with a programming language like C#, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, or Java. You may use Selenium commands or a framework like Selenide (for Java) or Watir with these parameters (for Ruby). Test runners, which are libraries that let you validate assertions and orchestrate your tests by managing when particular logic is carried out. 

For instance, you may utilize JUnit4, JUnit5, or TestNG test runners while entering your test code in Java using Selenium instructions. PyTest may be used if you're creating your tests in Python with Selenium. Some Automated UI testing libraries also allow other forms of testing outside User Interface (UI) testing. Therefore, you'll want to think about your testing approach before deciding on your framework's components.

Automated UI testing
Automated UI testing

Mobile trials

If you have an application that you need testing on, and you need more than certain. JavaScript test frameworks can deliver web driver-specific solutions such as selenium- and Appium frameworks, which include older browsers, mobile browsers, and mobile applications. You may take desktop browser tests and alter them on mobile devices using these sorts of frameworks.

Appium may be used with test runners or assertion libraries for Android and iOs tests as well as paired with programming languages like Java, Python, Ruby, or JavaScript. In many situations, starting the selenium testing for a web app may be very easy, then modifying code using Appium commands and adding testing for mobile appliances. Keep in mind, however, the highly diverse functionality of Web, Android, and iOS apps, meaning that your testing will have to be reworked in every context.

Included as part of an application code bundle are the Espresso (Android) and XCUITest (iOS) families of testing libraries. Android apps written in Java or Kotlin can test your program using the Espresso commands, while iOS developers may test the app with the XCUI tests.

Also Read: Challenges Faced In Web Automated UI Testing

Different Tools for Different Jobs

The various tools and frameworks have distinct advantages and limitations. It is essential to consult with an experienced QA Engineer before selecting an overall test strategy. Keep in mind that your requirements and use cases, like any software, will change over time. You must be adaptable with new and varied quality control methods.

It might be advantageous to choose a well-supported technology like Selenium or Appium. As there is a broad support community and more regular upgrades and functionality; but, it can also be easier to make a deal. More choices made provide a wide range of alternatives to let you trust that you provide your consumers with the finest possible experience.


Terms and requirements are often met by testers to automate all instances in order to increase test estimates. There are some common "wrong" perceptions about automation.

They are:

  1. We can automate every test case.
  2. Automated testing will significantly cut test time.
  3. If automation scripts execute smoothly, no problems are introduced.

Automation should make it obvious that only specific types of tests may minimize UI automation testing tools’ time. Automating all tests without any strategy or order leads to huge scripts, which typically fail and also need a great deal of handling. Also, automation scripts might be outdated and require some confidence in continuously changing goods.

Also Read: Best Practices For Automated UI Testing In Android

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