Written By :Appsierra

Sat Mar 16 2024

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E-commerce Application Testing: How To Do E Commerce App Testing

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E-commerce Application Testing

Key takeaways:

  1. What are the questions on the mind of an online buyer?
  2. How to do E-Commerce application testing?
  3. What is functional testing of an Ecommerce Website Site?

Have you ever bought a product or service online? One may wonder how seamlessly the process delivered to you within the Turn-Around-Time (TAT). It is the hard work that goes behind developing and testing the e-commerce website before its launch in the public domain. 

For your understanding, lets take simple test cases for e commerce website and its front and backlinks across all platforms and technologies. A quality testing procedure will prevent errors and add value to the product, ensuring conformity to the client requirements. 

The ultimate desire of an e-commerce company is to make the application robust to provide a seamless and effortless buying experience to the end-users so that user returns and repeats the buying process. The users’ experience is all that matters to an e-commerce vendor. 

E-commerce Application Testing is essential for ensuring the seamless functionality and security of WooCommerce Development Services, guaranteeing a reliable and efficient online shopping experience for users.

Performance Testing for E-Commerce Applications

Firstly, are the pages going to auto-scroll? If yes, then at what it will refresh? It is disturbing if one has to wait for the pages and images to be refreshed. Second, we can hover the image on? If I hover over it, will it scroll to the next one? Is the image clickable? 

After clicking, will it take me to the right page and right deal? Can the rest of the content be viewed? There are many expectations that a customer will have while browsing your website. This browsing experience will determine whether the customer will purchase from your website.

How do you write a test case for an e-Commerce website?

How testing is crucial in e-Commerce?

How do you check a shopping cart?

What are the types of testing?

Also Read: Functional Testing vs Non-Functional Testing

Sample Test Cases for E-Commerce Website

You need to identify the bugs before its launch. Ensuring the reliability and quality of the software is the best available. You need to ensure system assurance, optimum performance, and capacity utilization. No customer would like to purchase from an erratic and faulty e-commerce website full of bugs and anomalies. A customer will lose confidence if these happen and will never come back.  

Types of Functional Testing of an E-Commerce Website

  1. Unit testing
  2. Integration testing
  3. System testing
  4. Sanity testing
  5. Smoke testing
  6. Interface testing
  7. Regression testing
  8. Beta / Acceptance Testing

Now, let’s check the factors that influence the testing and performance of your e-commerce website to a large extent. 

Browser Compatibility

  1. Lack of support for early browsers
  2. Browser specific extensions
  3. Browser testing platforms that include Linux, Windows, Mac

Page Display

  1. Incorrect display of pages
  2. Page navigation
  3. Runtime error messages
  4. Poor page download time
  5. Dead hyperlink, plugin dependency, font sizing, etc.

Session Management

  1. Expiration
  2. Storage


  1. Non – intuitive design
  2. Poor site navigation
  3. Catalogue navigation
  4. Lack of help-support

Content Analysis

  1. Misleading, offensive, and litigious content
  2. Royalty-free images and copyright infringement
  3. Personalization functionality
  4. Availability 24/7


  1. Denial of service attacks
  2. Unacceptable levels of unavailability

Backup Recovery

  1. Failure or fall over recovery
  2. Backup failure
  3. Fault tolerance



  1. Transaction Integrity
  2. Throughput
  3. Auditing

Online Shopping Order Application Processing and Purchasing

  1. Shopping cart functionality
  2. Order processing
  3. Payment processing
  4. Order tracking


  1. Language support
  2. Language display
  3. Cultural sensitivity
  4. Regional Accounting

Operational Business Procedures

  1. How well e-procedure copes
  2. Observe for bottlenecks

System Integration

  1. Data Interface format
  2. Interface frequency and activation
  3. Updates
  4. Interface volume capacity
  5. Integrated performance

Performance Testing of E-Commerce Application Testing

  1. Performance bottlenecks
  2. Load handling
  3. Scalability analysis

Login and Security

  1. Login capability
  2. Penetration and access control
  3. Insecure information transmission
  4. Web attacks
  5. Computer viruses
  6. Digital signatures

Performance of your site depends on these factors


  1. Request per second
  2. Transactions per minute
  3. Executions per click

Response Time

  1. Duration of a task
  2. Seconds per click
  3. Page Load
  4. DNS Lookup
  5. Time to see the page after clicking

E Commerce Domain Knowledge

To sum it up, in today’s world, it is hard to find someone who has not shopped online or not heard of online shopping. Everyone knows that it is easy, secure, and fun. A customer comes to you with a lot of expectations but will never be vocal about those. 

You need to gauge those before your first customer steps in. Ecommerce websites are making billions by ensuring the aforesaid testing techniques are followed. Now you must know the answer to the question of how to do E-Commerce application testing?

Also Read: A Complete Guide On E-Commerce Testing

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