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Asset Management Software: What is it? Why is it Important?

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Balancing assets and liabilities is a big task for business owners but not if you know about asset management software. All new and established businesses rely on assets and ROI for success. Therefore, asset management is equally important to the company's assets. To begin with, asset management is about managing assets.

In this blog, we are going to give a detailed account of - what asset management is. What are the common types of asset management? And how does it benefit businesses? Also, there is an overview on why small businesses need it too.

Asset management software is a blessing in disguise for the growing business world. Across different industries and business sectors, asset management has been a task. At present many organizations carry out asset management manually. But do you know what asset management or software asset management can do?

In order to understand how profitable software asset management is for a venture, you need to get into what it is. Beginning from what asset management is to how it impacts businesses. We have put together a brief guide on softwares for asset management. So let's explore this essential component that facilitates business growth.

What is Asset Management Software?

The dedicated system used to record and track the assets of an organization is an asset management system. The asset management system covers all types of assets that a business utilizes. In modern times most businesses are going online. So, asset management has become a popular tool. Asset management provides a streamlined system to maintain, upgrade and discard the organization's assets.

The concept of asset management is not new but is helpful when it comes to lowering expenses in a business. With the help of experts in asset management, an organization can grow efficiently.

Every organization has multiple assets to manage. According to the niche/ industry, the software asset management service is divided into subcategories. Let's find out what those categories are. And how each one of them is individually significant.

What are the Types of Asset Management?

All businesses have different components that make them successful. Depending on the kind of business, the assets are definite and indefinite. And each of these assets needs individual attention. So, the software asset management system is subdivided into categories. The asset management software is classified into the following:

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Digital Asset Management Software or DAM

The first asset management in the list is the software for digital asset management. This category is concerned with managing media and digital content assets. It includes managing files, image content, videos, and audio. In other words, it also means securing the digital assets for a business.

It is important for companies that deal in digital products as well as other organizations. Because digitization has a huge impact in the current scenario, therefore, protecting them becomes equally crucial. This asset management software also helps to create a digital library for instant access.

Asset managers use the tags and the metadata to keep these digital assets for the use of employees, clients, and business owners.

IT Asset Management Software or ITAM

ITAM focuses on managing the IT resources of an organization. The IT asset management system takes care of all the intangible and tangible assets. From computers, keyboards, and routers to the software, information, patents, etc. all of it is taken care of by the IT asset management.

Not only does this system manage the IT resources but it also plays a major role in maintaining them. This system helps to maintain the life cycle and tracks the working condition and asset location. ITAM even helps to optimize the company's IT assets.

Effective asset management for IT resources lowers the investment by preventing unnecessary asset replacements.

Enterprise Asset Management Software or EAM

Enterprise Asset Management is dedicated to managing the physical aspects of a business. It is one of the most common asset management types. In other words, it is used to manage the life of a physical asset. The process involves planning, purchase, operation, maintenance, and finally replacement in need.

EAM helps organizations manage physical assets in real-time through automation. It is very useful for big brands and large organizations. It is profitable as it helps in maintaining a database of all the assets in different locations owned by the organization.

The enterprise and experts are in charge of maximizing the use and reducing the cost of maintenance for any physical asset.

Enterprise software development plays a crucial role in maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of Enterprise Asset Management software, enabling seamless integration and enhanced performance across the entire asset lifecycle.

What are the Importance of Asset Management Softwares?

Asset management software is crucial when it comes to saving money. At times it isn't easy to decide without an expert if a company is using the software according to the need. Or if the organization is paying only for the services they are taking.

A lack of knowledge on the subject can lead the organization to waste time and productivity with extra costs incurred. Without an expert who knows IT, even the sensitive data of the company is at risk. The SAM or software for asset management also helps manage the software licenses purchased by an organization.

This is just where the list of advantages of asset management for a business starts. Here are some more reasons for you to discover asset management in the interest of your business.

Understands your assets better

The problem with all businesses is that they have multiple assets. Every asset has its purpose like inventory management software is used by businesses to track, organize and take care of the inventory. Similarly, asset management software helps the organization keep track of all the bought software. Asset management brings all the information to one place thus, helping businesses register data without much effort.

Manages the software needs

The emergence of numerous new software each day brings in another problem that needs to be solved by asset management. A software asset management expert can explore better alternatives. Or if a cheaper solution is available in the market. Working with the latest solutions not only makes working convenient but also cost-efficient.

Helps purchase and manage software license

Every business needs to negotiate and upgrade software license agreements. In that case, It helps to handle the software cycle process from purchase to discard. The additional upgrades and plans required by the organization are looked after by asset managers.

Reduces manual effort and time

Another benefit of an automated asset management system is that it reduces the waste of time and effort. The manual methods that take time are susceptible to errors. And as a business boosts, the data needs apt asset management software. The inability of spreadsheets or document systems to track assets in real-time leads to chaos.

Helps with cost saving

Apart from saving time and making the workflow better, inventory management software helps save a lot of money. Discarding the unuseful software limits the purchases and hence reduces the losses.

Minimizes asset cyber security risk

Are you worried about cyber attacks? Well, asset management can help you with it. The asset management team identifies outdated software versions. Additionally, they help to optimize and update the software, preventing the organization's data from theft.

To minimize asset cyber security risk, it is crucial to prioritize strong cyber security in software development and implementation.

Saves from the legal hassle

When a company owns IT resources and software in a large count keeping track of all the licenses becomes difficult. Expired licenses lead to legal hassle and fines. The asset management software for finance efficiently updates the licensing and minimizes legal risk.

Benefits of Asset Management for Small Business

One popular misconception about asset management services is that they are meant for big business purposes. However, it is untrue because asset management helps increase the efficiency of SMBs. As a small business owner, investing time and money into managing assets is difficult for you. So asset management tools can help you save both.

Even though assets are limited in small businesses, it is also susceptible to error. Limited resources and smaller teams might seem easy to handle but asset management needs expert attention. The lower cost of maintenance and centralized data can hugely help small businesses. Being a small business owner, you should consider switching to warehouse inventory management software. Unlike manual spreadsheets, it provides scope for scalability.

Not to forget that softwares for asset management is cloud-based. So, you save up on big office spaces and work on the requirements even while you focus on other aspects.


It is tough to manage the software assets besides keeping up with the market competition. Moreover, if you are trying to manage assets without asset management systems it is difficult. Like most organizations, you can trust the asset management process. Excel spreadsheets and the most dedicated employees can miss out on ghost assets or visible ones.

But you can play safe by getting in touch with Appsierra. All your asset management worries can be taken care of, how? The answer is with the help of good asset management software and expert guidance. So, choose well because an asset saved is equal to an asset earned.


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