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Best Software Testing Books To Read

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Software Testing Books

Software testing books help you understand the concepts in-depth, By having your concepts clear theoretically, it will help to implement them in a practical and real-life scenario.

The Problem in Finding Best Software Books

A large number of testers do not understand what they are doing, so they do their job inefficiently or poorly. Many people, not testers: developers, managers, infrastructure engineers, also do not understand what testing is. And accordingly, they neglect it or set inappropriate goals. In both cases, we have a high risk of getting a low-quality product: high debits, critical defects that do not close for six months, weekly regressions, many defects from real users.

Why do We Know so Little About Testing?

Software testing is an inquiry that is undertaken to provide information on the consistency of the software product or service under evaluation to stakeholders. In our career, we have come to the conclusion that lack of training is the reason. Neglecting ‘ maternal ‘ testing leads to a misunderstanding of the testing domain and problems that need to be addressed by testing. We turn to the theoretical part, mainly in only two cases: an interview or an internal assessment of the employee.

In the case of an interview, we google ‘top 100 QA interview questions’, with internal evaluation, we take the company’s competency matrix and google all the incomprehensible words and gather information about the software testing course in pieces in one heap. Mostly, all this information comes from different types of blogs and sites and software testing material, where it is submitted very limited, detached from the context, and without details or real-life examples. Read about: Overcoming Most Common Challenges In Software Testing Webinar

Also Read: Importance of Software Testing in Retail Sector

Best Software Testing Books

Following are some of the best books to read in 2022:

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1. ISTQB and The Solution to All Problems

Some have read the ISTQB FL syllabus and believe that there is enough written theory about testing. The syllabus is good for preparation for certification, and because of this, the information in it is presented in a small amount, very generalized, and presented as it will be correct in terms of certification. That is, only the minimum required to be certified is written. Not more. And since ISTQB wants to cover all areas of testing – from aviation to the web, it comes out very abstract. The best thing about the syllabus is the list of references on the last pages.

2. How We Test Software at Microsoft?

A powerful book from Microsoft. In our region, it is little known and undervalued. This book will be useful for beginners as the best software testing book and people with experience. It describes the various development processes used by Microsoft. They pay much attention to different test design techniques, and testing approaches. They describe them in great detail, with many examples. Good practical tips on how to manage tests and defects, how to test non-functional characteristics. It would seem that Microsoft’s book would be filled with advertising from them, but no. This book is more a way for Microsoft to share their knowledge in testing. We highly recommend reading it. Once upon a time, it was a major source of preparation for the MTA 98-379 Software Testing Fundamentals (now the exam is closed and outdated). Interestingly, you can often hear the term Software Development Engineer in Test and that it came from Google. In fact, this term is the first time in this book.

Books for software testing
Books for Software Testing

3. The Art of Software Testing

One of the first best software testing book. We aim at developers but will benefit everyone. We pay much attention to the testing philosophy and why it is important, important, and difficult. Separately, the focus is on web and mobile testing. Here it is considered more from a conceptual point of view and what is most important to pay attention to.

4. How to Break Software Series

This is a series of 3 books by James Wittaker. They may seem a bit outdated (the first one was released in 2002), but most attacks are still relevant. Books are about attacks: some input options, input data, or some other way to interact with an application. They consist entirely of practical tips – what attacks to use and in what cases. Maximum practice and real experience from the author. Believe me, many interesting things not everyone guess.

5. A Practitioner’s Guide to Software Test Design

The best software testing book on test design ever. The most popular test design techniques and how to use them are very cool. We can read in one go. We consider here both black box and white box equipment. Be sure to read it if you plan to take the ISTQB.

6. The Software Test Engineer’s Handbook

If you plan to take the ISTQB Advanced: Test Analyst or Technical Test Analyst exam, you need this book. It details all the features of the ISO 25010 quality model. Each characteristic highlights the sub-characteristics and describes how and why they should be tested. They are fully described and explained, so after reading you can look at your own project with a different look. It also discusses test design techniques and how to use them properly. There are examples. To put it very, this book extends a syllabus for ISTQB Advanced TA \ TTA.

7. xUnit Test Patterns

This book will be useful for test automation developers and developers. Typically this describes patterns and anti-patterns in writing tests. The smells of tests and how they refactor. If you want to write stable and valuable tests – read this book. It will be very useful for beginner automators, as it describes all the rakes you will encounter.

8. Enterprise Continuous Testing

This book is written for an advanced level which includes senior quality managers and business executives. Everyone wants to achieve optimal success between quality and speed when delivering the software that drives the modern software business. If you want to understand the global 2000 business software testing process, go with this.

9. Instant Approach to Software Testing

These best software testing book are the one-stop guide for software testing types, errors, and the planning process. The book provides an investigative comprehensive about the tools, techniques, and standard tools.

bundle of books
Bundle of Books

It also provides specific highlights of writing test cases and detecting errors. It provides in-depth knowledge of selenium and IEEE/ISO/IEC software testing standards.

10. Concise Guide to Software Testing

This is a practical help textbook for the concise introduction of software testing, explaining the basic principles, and practically applying it in an industrial environment. The top features include various software lifecycles, describes the testing roles in building a quality product, examining the test in the different processes like the agile world, putting down the importance of software configuration management. At the end of the chapter, it provides review questions and a glossary. You will not find some of these books near your area, but buy them on Amazon with no hassle. We can find the art of Software Testing and xUnit in any online or brick-and-mortar store, but I recommend reading in the original. These best software testing books will help you refine your testing skills and understand more about testing and what quality assurance is as a process. Enjoy reading, learn, and apply it. Good luck!

Also Read: How To Effectively Lower The Software Testing Cost

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