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5 Best Cloud Computing Courses

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5 Best Cloud Computing Courses

Cloud computing has become an essential skill for any software developer or professional as more and more companies are adopting the Cloud for their infrastructure and service needs.

The demand for expertise in cloud infrastructure services is on the rise, reflecting the industry's shift towards scalable and flexible.

It pays to learn cloud computing nowadays as, most likely, the application will pee individually, building and deploy in the Cloud in the future. No matter what our role is, if we are working in technology, cloud computing will affect us in one or another way.

If you want to learn cloud computing, you are reading the right article, as below are some of the best courses to learn cloud computing basics in general and with AWS and CCP in particular. 

A brief introduction is provided by these cloud computing courses, but before signing up for these courses, let’s first understand what is Cloud and what benefits are provided by it? Cloud has a distinct meaning for different people and is also used to refer to other things in a different context, but in general.

Cloud means the cost of services that are ready to use for our application. Many cloud service provider companies, like Amazon Web services, Google cloud platform, and Microsoft Azure provide the services.

Now, what are those services? It could be servers, networks, storage, and other infra related services generally offered and referred to as infrastructure as a service. Other cloud models like platform as a service and software as a service that is nothing but a cloud application development and is very popular for developing online products and startups. 

But let’s focus on IaaS first for understanding the benefits provided by the Cloud. For hosting a real-world E-Commerce application, we must buy servers, networks as storage and need to set them up to our requirements like installing the required software and operating system. 

The majority of the companies have their own data center where the servers are kept and a high cost involved in maintaining those data centers.

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It was just the initial time and cost for setting up the server. Their uses were poor. For example, secondary services are often idle, wasting that precious CPU and memory power. The effect was more evident on big companies than on thousands of services across multiple data centers globally. 

Amazon is one such company that quickly realized that using virtualization-based could utilize their infrastructure’s computing power that gives birth to the Cloud. In the Cloud, we can spin up a server, database, network very quickly with just a few clicks, and we will only be charged for whatever we use. So this will solve the problem of setup, utilization, and scalability.

Top 5 Online Courses to Learn Cloud Computing for Beginners

Now that we are aware of clouds and their cost, simple configuration, performance, and scalability, it is time to dig deeper and go through these online training lessons to understand the technical skills required for cloud computing basics.

1. Introduction to Cloud Computing with Amazon Web Services

It was vague for us when we began talking about the Cloud. We couldn’t see what is Cloud and what is the popular opinion about Cloud. It’s like a faceless human, but we could easily link different cloud concepts when we heard about AWS. 

So, AWS is like putting a face on Cloud, and that’s why this course is recommended this course for anyone beginning to learn about Cloud. With examples from AWS, this course describes core principles for clouds such as IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS, which allows understanding what the Cloud is and what benefits it provides. 

Knowing AWS is also an opportunity since it’s one of the most common cloud systems, and our familiarity with AWS can also improve our CV for every AWS work.

2. Cloud Computing: The Big Picture By David Chappell

This course offers a clear description of cloud systems such as Amazon and Microsoft Azure Web Services and private clouds (bringing cloud technology on-premises). So, this course is for us if we are a Pluralsight member. 

You can have access to almost 6000+ top-quality systems for just $29 a month or $299 a year if we do not have a membership. We can access this course for free if we want to try it, even by taking your open 10-day preview.

3. Getting Started with Cloud Computing — Level 1

This course will give a thorough overview of the technical skills required for cloud computing and explain the important aspects of cloud computing courses. It describes three major service models, including IaaS (Service Infrastructure), SaaS (Service Software), and PaaS (Service Platform), along with four cloud implementation models like the corporate, public, hybrid, and group model.

Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing

4. Cloud Computing Concepts by Coursera

It is one of Coursera’s best online lessons on Cloud Computing. The fabrics are outstanding, and Indranil Gupta, the teacher, is awesome. Its delivery is exceptional and makes learning an incredibly comprehensive process. 

Also, training is wonderful and allows us to retain our expertise. This course also forms part of Coursera’s cloud computing expertise and is nothing but a sequence of individual sessions to teach cloud computing in numerous fields. 

This course also provides a 100% online master’s degree in computer science, Urbana-Champaign, from the University of Illinois. Our system also counts for your thesis if we are participating in the full curriculum. 

This specialty offers online students an autonomous learning option, practice quizzes, graded tasks with input from peers, graduated quizzes, and a sharable certificate to put into our LinkedIn profile.

5. Architect — an associate with AWS Accredited Solutions

It is the program that teaches us most regarding cloud and cloud computing. Instructor Ryan Kroonenburg and instructor Faye Ellis are some of the prominent cloud experts and run a website called CloudGuru, with their comprehensive knowledge of AWS Cloud and their extensive skills. We will get the best possible AWS Cloud certification.


That’s all about some of the best courses online to learn Cloud Computing. There is no time for learning Cloud Computing better than now. We suggest that every software developer study Cloud Computing and become comfortable with it because no matter how we do, our work will be influenced by clouds.

Also Read: Cloud Computing Trends

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