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Jira Tutorial: What It is, Test Case and Components

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Jira Tutorial

From agile boards, accumulations, guides, and answers, to incorporations and additional items you can plan, track, and deal with all your light-footed programming improvement projects from a single device using JIRA. Pick a structure to perceive how Jira Software can help your group discharge more excellent programming, quicker. 

What is Jira?

JIRA is an instrument created by the Australian company Atlassian. This product is utilized for bug tracking, issue tracking, and project management tools. The fundamental utilization of this device is to follow issues and bugs identified with your product and Mobile applications. It is additionally utilized for a project on the board.

Why use Jira? 

Jira Software is important for a group of items intended to help groups of various kinds manage work. Initially, Jira was planned as a bug and issue tracker. However, today, Jira has advanced into an incredible work-the-board device for a wide range of use cases, from necessities and experimentation to the executives to coordinated programming improvement. 

In this guide, you’ll realize which features and functionalities of Jira can assist your testing team with your exceptional requirements. 

Jira for necessities and Test Case Management

An expanding number of groups today are growing all the more iteratively, and Jira Software is the Centre point for the coding, joint effort, and delivery stages. 

To test the executives, Jira coordinates with a variety of additional items, including test companies, so the QA’s testing slides consistently into the product advancement cycle. This approach is particularly valuable in application software development services.

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Groups can test successfully and iteratively. QA groups use Jira issues, customized screens, fields, and work processes to manage manual and automated tests. In this JIRA tutorial, we would know all the features and functionalities of how it works and what are its major components. So let’s begin. 

What is the JIRA Issue? 

JIRA issues would follow bugs or issues that underlie the project. Whenever you have an imported project then you can make issues. Under Issues, you will discover other valuable highlights like- 

  • Issue Types
  • Workflow’s
  • Screens
  • Fields
  • Issue Attributes

As per Atlassian, 83% of Fortune 500 organizations use Jira for their task the board needs. Here are just a portion of this presentation tool’s primary functionalities, recorded by work parts inside an organization: 

  • Programming testers: from tracking bugs to setting assignments, Jira offers issue prioritization, and more to permit programming testers to resolve issues in programming items.
  • Product managers: An all-rounder, Jira permits item supervisors to finish item street planning, building up map conditions, sharing guides, and more.
  • Project managers: Jira is prepared to take on a project the executives prerequisites, including task the board, work process assessment, logging and customization, project reports creation, project investigation, appointing client authorizations, warnings by messages, and significantly more.
  • Software engineers: Jira is ideal for the issue and backlog tracking, release arranging, CI/CD and engineer instruments mixes, etc.

Jira for Personal Use and Small Teams 

Jira is a proficient answer for people and little groups. The Free arrangement is for little groups of less than 10 individuals who are simply beginning with Jira. With the Free arrangement, you get: 

  • Up to 10 clients (or 3 specialists for Jira Service Desk)
  • 2 GB of file storage
  • Atlassian Community support

There are a few limits to the accompanying features when you utilize Free designs for Jira Cloud items: 

  • Authorizations, jobs, and issue-level security
  • Review logs
  • Email warnings
  • Applications that extend Jira Cloud

If the entirety of your Jira Cloud items is on the Free arrangement, those items will be deactivated following 120 days of inactivity. If you have a startup or an independent project, it merits considering Jira as an undertaking the board tool. Jira is a powerful arrangement, particularly if you add modules to support your small enterprises.

Jira Basics: Understanding the Hierarchy 

Here is a short description of the fundamental Jira capacities you’ll be familiar with to begin your Jira journey. At the point when you enter Jira, the main thing you experience is a Project. You ought to make it by picking a sort – classic or next-gen edge. 

When made, every one of your projects is situated in the “My Work” tab. You can discover it in the top bar. Incidentally, the top bar additionally contains: 

After you make and enter your first task, you’ll see a key navigating project features on the sidebar. There you’ll discover that these assist you with dealing with your projects and estimate the results. Let’s discuss them all together:

  • Jira project 

A Jira project is a collection of issues (assignments). Your team could utilize a Jira project to organize the improvement of an item, track a task, deal with an assistance work area, and then some, depending upon your prerequisites. A Jira task can be arranged and customized to suit the requirements of you and your group. 

  • Jira project formats 

In Jira, project formats permit you to rapidly make Jira projects with a predefined set of undertaking arrangement settings and properties. Jira accompanies a few inherent project formats, however, you can make your own. 

  • Jira board 

A Board is a natural representation of a project, which can incorporate at least one task, contingent upon the channel setup of the board, including the Kanban board and Scrum board options. 

The arrangement of the project figures out which issue types, screen, field, warnings, etc. are incorporated. The board setup decides how you deal with your project, like Scrum. 

  • Jira work process 

Recollect those Jira projects. They contain issues that your group can deal with and change through phases of work. The way that your issues take is known as a work process. Each Jira work process is made out of a bunch of situations with advances that your issue travels through during its lifecycle, and regularly addresses work measures inside your association. 

  • Jira issue 

Issues are the structure blocks of any Jira project. An issue could address a story, a bug, an undertaking, or another issue type in your project. Various associations use Jira to follow various types of issues. It can go from addressing a single unit of work, similar to a basic task, to a bigger parent work item to be followed, similar to a story or an epic. 

Jira issue types 

There are five fundamental issue types in Jira. You can track down an astounding clarification here – and underneath is a quick breakdown: 

  • Sub-Tasks – Subtasks separate a deliverable like a Story into undertakings. Sub-undertakings ought not to have points. (Jira doesn’t expect this and the points in your standard Jira reports will be over-expressed if your undertaking is arranged to permit sub-tasks to have points and individuals utilize that field). Pure Scrum measure suggests assessing sub-tasks in hours.
  • Epic – These are your fundamental buckets of work. They can be seemingly perpetual workstream like Prod Bugs or releasable activities. The previous doesn’t have a fixed adaptation (discharge), the last dose.
  • Story – A capacity. Keep the rundown name short and concise. Put the “As a client, I need to X, so I can Y” in the depiction. Stories are a “deliverable”, part of your product item, and ought to be releasable. They ought to have a fixed variant appointed. Stories additionally get points.
  • Tasks – They are not sub-assignments but they can have sub-tasks. Undertakings additionally get points. Genuine instances of projects are making records, operational assignments, and other work exercises. Assignments ought to be excess things and identified with a project or item. Just item-related work ought to be followed in Jira.
  • Bugs – Bugs ought to get points, and have an influenced version and a fixed version. There ought to be some method of indicating creation bugs versus pre-creation.

Jira Components

Components are valuable for the specialized group as they can range across numerous stories. A part may be ‘database’ or ‘UI’. JIRA offers the choice to appoint work for a specific segment to a specific JIRA client. 

Components are sub-areas of a project; they are utilized to aggregate issues inside an undertaking into smaller parts. Parts add a few constructions to the tasks, separating them into highlights, groups, modules, subprojects, and many more. 

Utilizing parts you can create reports, gather measurements, and show them on dashboards, etc. To add new parts, as demonstrated in the above screen you can add name, depiction, components lead and default trustee. 


Jira Software has various out-of-the-box reports and pre-introduced tools to help track the process duration of your item delivery. See situations with issues over the long run or if information from your present interaction can be utilized to predict future execution. 

Devices can show rundown data about project/issue information on your dashboard, giving a central location for quick admittance to this data. 

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