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Node.js Best Practices For Automation Testing

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Node.js Best Practices

Just 11 years old, Node.js has arisen to be one of the most prominent web development frameworks in the previous decade. We are a huge JavaScript fan, and thanks to Node.js, we can inscribe JavaScript code outside the browser to build server-side web applications that are non-blocking, portable, rapid, robust, and scalable. In this post, we will talk about node.js best practices, node.js projects, node.js file structure, node JS application structure, and node.js error handling. So let’s begin!

Node.JS Best Practice

Following are the best practices that you should consider:

  1. Take a Layered Approach-segregate your concerns
  2. Folder structure -Properly coordinate your code files
  3. Publisher Subscriber Models
  4. Clean Code and Easy Readability -Utilise code linters, formatters, and style guides, add comments.
  5. Write Asynchronous Code -Utilise promises, async/await syntax
  6. Configuration files and Environment Variables
  7. Testing, Logging and Error Handling -Errors are a crucial part of the procedure
  8. Code Compression and File Size
  9. Utilize Application Monitoring Tools

By purposefully making the effort to comprehend the inner workings of a framework, we unlock ourselves to insights about the routes and means of not only the framework itself but further about widespread programming paradigms and their design conclusions. Over time, these lower-level insights and understanding indicate in the way we compose code and run our understanding of how we can optimize our applications for velocity and achievement.

A crucial element of how Node.js works under the hood is it’s single-threaded, event loop established apparatus for accomplishing asynchronous behavior. In some way, this will be an extrapolation of our knowledge of the building blocks of Node.js to organize specific ground rules and approaches for developing a rock-solid foundation for our projects. Let’s see how it functions.

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How Node.JS Works?


Node.js is extensively outstanding for its asynchronous event-ridden, non-blocking I/O processing. It gives a maximum of this concurrency and asynchronism from Javascript’s single-threaded event loop prototype. Maximum other web development options like ASP.NET, Spring, JSP utilize a multi-threaded processing architecture to cater to concurrent customer proposals. Let’s have a closer look at these multi-threaded models before we distinct them against what Node.js carries to the table.

Traditional multi-threaded processing model in web frameworks

In multi-threaded processing formats, each server has a restricted thread pool at its removal. Each time the server obtains a request from the client, it selects a thread from the pool and appoints it to the client’s plea. This thread will take maintenance of all the processing associated with that request.

Interior of these threads, the processing is sequential and synchronous i.e. one procedure is conducted at a time. However, when a modern concurrent request is created to the server, it can pick up any usable thread from the pool and set it on duty.

This can move on and on until all your threads are depleted. When that occurs, your server is urged to wait for at least one of the active threads to be liberated for the current request(s) to be catered to.

If not responsibly accounted for, this can prove to be lazy and inadequate for your application. Moreover, the synchronous nature of cleansing inside each thread implies that even though we can spin up many threads for concurrent invitations, each thread, separately, will be slowed down while confronted by blocking code.

Such multi-threaded support further brings forth the problems of handling synchronizing and managing many threads. There’s also a threat of dead-locking, where numerous threads are blocked forever in the procedure of waiting for each other to free up resources. Now let us glance at how Node.js deals with concurrency.

Single-threaded event loop architecture in Node.js

There’s a ton of difficulty about whether Node.js performs everything with only one thread. How could that be feasible? How could it strive against other multi-threaded frameworks with only one thread? As we understand, Node.js is practically a Javascript runtime-created on top of Chrome’s V8 Javascript engine. This implies that it is established on Javascript’s single-threaded architecture.

Thus, every time there’s a customer request, it is dealt with by a single major thread. The event loop is the fundamental element that enables Node.js to run (otherwise) blocking I/O operations in a non-blocking means. It often maintains track of the significance of your asynchronous tasks and stirs them back to the performance queue when they’re finalized. It governs in the same major thread we have been discussing.

The interesting thing to point out here is that even though there’s barely one central thread on the surface, there are a lot of auxiliary threads in the system kernel that Node.js can use for substantial disk and network-based async operations. This team of threads comprises (what is learned as) the worker pool.

The event loop can take care of fundamental processing itself, but for async I/O operations, implicating modules such as fs (I/O-heavy) and crypto (CPU-heavy), it can empty the processing to the worker pool in the system kernel. The worker pool is executed in libuv and can generate and govern many threads as per the prerequisite. These threads can separately synchronously drive their respective assigned tasks and return their answer to the event loop whenever prepared.

While these threads work on their allocated operations, the event loop can resume operating, as conventional, concurrently catering to different requests. When the threads are performed with their assignments, they can yield their outcome to the event loop, which can hence place this back on the performance line to be enforced or returned to the customer.

The thought process behind obtaining such an architecture can be associated with the truth that under typical web loads, a sole main thread can execute and scale much better as correlated to traditional “one thread per request” architectures.

In conclusion, Node.js is the go-to option for numerous because of its benefits in terms of velocity and scalability. The caveat here, nonetheless, is that performance can undergo upfront complex, memory-intensive operations such as matrix multiplications for picture processing, information science, and machine learning applications.

These can block the merely central thread, formulating the server unresponsive. Nonetheless, for such cases, Node.js has further inaugurated worker threads which creators can leverage to build productive multi-threaded Node.js applications.


Now we can say that you are ready to Start Your Node.js Project. Even though there are various more elements to intelligent web development, we have tried to present the most crucial themes to consider while building Node.js applications.

In this post, we first looked at the node js best practice, and then we learned about node js projects, node js file structure, node js application structure, and node js error handling. Now that you understand everything about building strong, bulletproof Node.js applications, go forward and execute everything you’ve learned today into your existing programs. Good luck!

Also Read: Java v/s Node.js

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