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Best Cloud Native App Development Services 2024

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Cloud Native App Development Services

In this article, we will focus on Cloud native app development and why it matters in today’s digital world. With businesses increasingly adopting Cloud computing, they demand highly efficient and scalable applications in place. So stay tuned, and don’t miss a single word!

Cloud native app development happens when apps are written to make use of the capabilities obtainable in Cloud platforms. Hence, by using Cloud infrastructure, these applications can readily scale and simply adjust. They can be additionally integrated, creating much better performance and agility.

Moreover, we are going to discuss the advantages and concepts of making Cloud native applications along with compelling tips on how to implement such an approach for innovation. Thus, continue reading and discovering insights!

How can Cloud native app development be elaborated?

Cloud native application development services are all about developing and deploying applications just for Cloud environments. Some of its emerging examples are containerization, microservices architecture, etc. All are known for being scalable, resilient, and having swift deployment. Now, let’s understand these benefits in detail:


Cloud native app development is not hard to scale; the apps may effortlessly be scaled up or even down based on demand. This means that companies could effectively and promptly accommodate huge volumes of traffic. At the same time, improving user demands with no adverse effect on the application, the operation, or the performance.


Cloud native applications reduce the need to invest in expensive hardware and infrastructure. Rather, applications could be hosted and deployed on Cloud platforms. As a result, reduces operational costs, as they pay just for resources used. Moreover, Cloud native app development is a cost-effective alternative for businesses of all sizes.

Flexibility & agility

Cloud native app development enables developers to produce apps with a broad array of programming tools, frameworks, and languages. Therefore, it provides more flexibility and freedom of choice. Also, they can be effortlessly updated and deployed. Thus, companies give off brand-new updates and features quickly. Such flexibility and agility are important in the present busy, competitive business environment.

In the next section, see how to build a Cloud application.

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What does building a Cloud native application entail?

Cloud native app development is an intricate process that demands expertise and planning. The following are the actions to be taken when constructing a Cloud native application.

Define the application architecture

Determine the structure of your application, like microservices choices with containers and/or serverless computing. This calls for the decomposition of an application into little interdependent components that could be independently created, deployed in production, and also scaled.

Choose the right Cloud platform

Select an Oracle Cloud native application development platform that fits the application of your needs, like scalability, accessibility, and results. Several of the favorite ones include Amazon Web Services AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform GCP.

Use Cloud native development tools

Make use of frameworks and tools that are intended for Cloud native app development. For example, Kubernetes orchestrates the pots and Docker to containerize applications, along with serverless computing platforms such as AWS Lambda or Azure Functions.

Implement continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD)

The fourth step is the implementation part. Establish a CI/CD pipeline to automate the build, test, and deployment of your application. This enables reliable and rapid deployment of code changes to production.

Design for scalability and resiliency

Construct your application to grow horizontally with the addition of far more instances of the parts as required. Manage increased visitors with the auto-scaling features provided by the Cloud platform. Additionally, resiliency design involves fault tolerance and redundancy to confirm high availability.

Implement monitoring and observability

Utilize monitoring and observability tools to get info about your application's efficiency, usage, health, etc. This helps in effective problem identification and resolution, efficient resource allocation, and improved user experience.

Secure your application

Implement safeguard mechanisms to secure your information and app. Safeguard mechanisms? You might think. So, it is the authentication and authorization mechanisms and encryption of very sensitive information or data, along with typical security audits likewise, that form a part of it.

Leverage managed services

Next comes making use of managed services. So, utilize managed solutions provided by the Cloud platform, specifically managed databases, caching services, plus note queues. The overhead of using these components is so reduced that you're able to focus on application development.

Embrace DevOps culture

Creating a culture of communication and cooperation between growth and operations teams is something we need to be mindful of. This phase, as a result, consists of the elimination of silos and automation, along with constant refinement of growth and deployment pipelines.

Iterate and improve

Continuously monitor users and collect their feedback to recognize points for improvement. Further, you can use this feedback to enhance your app, adding brand new functionality and enhancing existing ones that users require over time.

What are the considerations for Cloud app development?

A Cloud native application suggests designing an application to particularly operate on a Cloud infrastructure. This strategy leverages the scalability and reliability bestowed by platforms in total. Here are a few key aspects to think about when building a Cloud native application:

Microservices architecture

Cloud native applications tend to be created utilizing a microservices architecture where the software is split into lots of lesser, less interconnected services. All these services are connected to a specific business capability and will be developed, deployed, and scaled up by themselves.


Containers allow applications to be packed and deployed in a little mobile space. Docker is among the popular resources for containerization, which allows you to create, deploy, and perform applications regularly in different hosting environments. Containers facilitate faster deployment, scalability, and isolation of services.


Container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes are used to control and develop containers efficiently. Kubernetes automates the setting up, turning, and controlling of containerized applications. The characteristics it offers include load balancing, self-healing properties, and service discovery.

DevOps Practices

Cloud native app development fosters a DevOps culture. It involves good cooperation between growth and operations teams. In addition, CI/CD pipelines automate deployment and building processes. Further tools like Terraform are utilized to provision and control Cloud resources as well as infrastructure such as CodeIaC.

Monitoring and observability

A Cloud native application produces big volumes of information. Therefore, monitoring is a crucial factor in producing the best performance. In contrast, determining possible problems in it. Its tools, with tracing methods like Jaeger, help in following requests across microservices.

Thus, Cloud native app development allows apps to completely capitalize on the benefits of Cloud computing and supply scalable, reliable solutions that are widely offered.

Which are the tools for managing Cloud native applications?

The efficiency and success of indigenous Cloud-based application development services lie in the extremely innovative open-source programs plus integration technologies. Here's a summary of well-known, broadly adopted Cloud native app development tools. 

  1. Terraform
  2. Docker
  3. Kubernetes
  4. Node
  5. Prometheus

How can Appsierra help you build Cloud native applications?

Appsierra is undoubtedly the best Cloud application development services provider, with highly trained workers and expertise in native Cloud technologies. We concentrate on helping organizations gain from the potential of the Cloud for originality. Here's exactly how we can enable you to build Cloud native uses in the following ways: 

Expertise in Cloud technologies

Appsierra has a seasoned team of Cloud architects who are acquainted with various Cloud platforms, including AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. Our experts can help you choose the best Cloud platform for your application. That can be programmed to cultivate scalable, resilient applications.

Microservices architecture

At Appsierra, you can easily develop a microservices architecture for your app. Indeed, these smaller solutions can be produced, deployed, & scaled independently. They speed up the improvement process and ease of maintenance. In the end, increases the overall scalability of your native Cloud application.


Our experts can containerize your application with technologies like Kubernetes and Docker. That means you can pack your app and the dependencies into a tiny, transportable container. By all means, it can run reliably across different environments. Thus, managing your application in the Cloud is a lot easier.

Cloud native development frameworks

As pioneers in Cloud native app development, we work with platforms like Ruby, Node.js, and Spring Boot. Along with Rails, to produce your application in the best way possible. All our frameworks are designed to help in the development of Cloud native applications. As a result, enjoy features like auto-scaling, find, and distributed tracing.

In the next section, see the real-life examples developed using Cloud services.

Real-life examples of Cloud native apps: Not to miss!

Below are a few cases of Cloud native app development to search for -


Netflix is the greatest example of Cloud native development. This video streaming platform is made with microservices, Kubernetes, and containerization for orchestration. Therefore, it helped it scale its infrastructure seamlessly plus release product updates quickly.


ThinkResearch also leveraged Cloud native architecture to develop and deploy their application. It delivers recent research and appropriate medical info to doctors for care. Here, they relied on microservice-based APIs to rapidly deliver the perfect solution. As a result, it prevented making an enormous upfront investment.


Concerning hospitality and lodging providers, Airbnb stands apart from the others. The underlying infrastructure helps it be a resilient and agile platform of AWS. It helps in dealing with Airbnb's mobile app and site infrastructure. Thus, it offers simple scalability and a handy method to manage reservations and payments.


Spotify is a great example of a native Cloud app development, too. It leverages container orchestration and Cloud services to control an enormous music catalog. Additionally, it allows for the app to support countless devices concurrently. As a result, the Spotify app can scale on demand with Cloud native technologies.


Overall, Cloud native app development has benefits that are substantial in terms of flexibility, resilience, and scalability. It allows organizations to create and deploy applications more quickly. At the same time, promoting enhanced efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and excellent user experience. Thus, if you would like to learn the strength of Cloud app development, engage experts at Appsierra!

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