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Maximizing Efficiency with Open Source Tracking Tools

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 Open Source Tracking

An open-source bug-tracking tool could help record, assign, report, and track the bugs in a software development project. Many defect-tracking rules are available. We can put it in another way as better is the open source bug tracking tool and better the quality of the product.

Open Source Bug Tracking Tools/Software

Below is a hand-picked list of the top bug-tracking tools and their popular website links and features. The list below contains both open-source (free) and commercial (paid) software.

1. Backlog

The backlog can be defined as a popular open-source bug tracker tool on one platform. It is easy for anyone to report bugs and track the full history of issue updates and status changes. Development teams use the backlog to work with other testing teams for enhanced team collaboration and high-quality project delivery.

The main features include:

  • Easy bug tracking tool
  • Search and advanced search features
  • A full history of the issues updated and status changes
  • This project and issues with subtitles git and SVN built-in
  • Gantt charts and burndown charts
  • Wikis and watchlist native mobile apps
  • Kanban-style boards for visual workflow

2. SpiraTeam

The Spira team provides a complete application lifecycle management solution that manages the requirements, tests, tasks, and involvement with complete traceability. The completely integrated work tracking solution of the Spira team lets us manage our entire testing process with features like:

  • Creation of new incidents automatically during the test script execution.
  • Fully customizable incident fields, including status, are priorities, defect types, and severities.
  • The ability to link incidents (bugs) to other incidents and artifacts.
  • Searching for robust reporting and sorting + an audit log tracking changes.
  • Notifications by email triggered by the customized workflow status changes.
  • The ability to report bugs and issues via email.

3. Zoho Bug Tracker

Zoho Bug Tracker can be described as a powerful open-source bug tracker, which helps us view issues filtered by severity and priority. Exactly knowing which bugs are reproducible improves productivity. It is an online tool that allows us to create projects, bug milestone reports, documents, etc., all on a single platform. With the help of the Zoho Bug Tracker, automating reminders and notifying team members has become possible.

The main features of Zoho Bug Tracker include:

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  • Bug views and the integration
  • Issue tracker's flexible workflow
  • Classification of the issues into various categories.

Discover the most common website bugs that appear in web and mobile apps.

4. Monday

Monday is a bug-tracking tool that enables us to analyze our performance and manage our team in one place. It also provides flexible dashboards that are easy for the visualization of data.

The features of Monday are listed below.

  • We can collaborate with other people.
  • Our daily work can be automated by it.
  • Integration with Google Calendar, Mailchimp Gmail, and many more.
  • We can’t be tracking our work progress.
  • It also enables us to work remotely.

5. Axosoft

It is a bug-monitoring system, accessible for sponsored or on-premises software. It is a tool used by Scrum teams for project management. Any mission, its requirements, faults, and accidents could be viewed via the Scrum planning council by project managers and developers on individual filing cards. We will manage our customer stories, bugs, service tickets, and a preview of our success in real-time with Axosoft.

The main features include:

  • Scrum planning board
  • Scrum burndown charts
  • Management Requirement
  • Team wiki
  • Data visualization
  • Integration of SCM
  • Reports
  • Help desk or incident tracking

6. Bugzilla

Bugzilla can be defined as a popular bug-tracking tool. These tools are open-source software that provides some great features like:

  • Notification of email for changes in code reports and charts
  • Patch viewers
  • The list of bugs that can be generated in various formats
  • Schedule monthly, weekly, and daily reports
  • The duplicate bug can automatically be tracked by this bug-tracking tool
  • By involving customers in setting bug priorities
  • Predict the time in which the above may get fixed

7. Jira

Thousands of software professionals use JIRA as a bug-tracking tool because of its ease of use. There are many benefits of the Jira tool and it also helps capture and organize team issues. Additionally, it prioritizes the issues and updates them with the project. It is the kind of tool that directly integrates with the code development environment to make it a perfect fit for developers. Because of its capability to track any issue, it is not just restricted to the software industry. The agile project is supported by it. It is available with many add-ons, which make the stool much more powerful than other tools.

8. Mantis

If we have been using mantis bug tracking tools, this tool can be easy to use. Mantis is not only available as a web application, but it also has its mobile version. It could work with multiple databases like MySQL, MS SQL, and PostgreSQL and is integrated with applications such as chat, time tracking, RSS feeds, wiki, and many more.

The main features of mantis include:

  • It is an open-source tool.
  • It is a defect-tracking tool that provides email notifications.
  • Supported reporting along with reports and graphs.
  • Source control integration.
  • It supports custom fields.
  • It also supports time-tracking management.
  • Multiple projects per instance.
  • It enables watching the issues changing history and the road map.
  • An unlimited number of user issues and projects are supported by it.

9. Redmine

It is an open-source bug-tracking tool that integrates with SCM (source code management system) too. Multiple platforms and multiple databases are supported by it, whereas, for reporting purposes, Gantt charts and calendars are in use. Redmine is a project management web application developed using the framework of Ruby on Rails.

A few Redmine features include:

  • Gantt chart and calendar.
  • Document news and file management.
  • This bug provides SCM integration.
  • Creation of issues via email.
  • This bug-tracking software supports multiple databases.
  • The flexible issue tracking system.
  • Flexible role-based access control.
  • Multi-language support.

10. Trac

Trac can be defined as a web-based open source issues tracking system that is developed in Python. It is the superior version of the wiki and is used for software development projects as the issue-tracking tool. We can also use it for browsing through the code view history view changes etc. when we integrate Trac with SCM. Multiple platforms such as Linux, Unix, Mac OS, Windows, etc., are supported by it. All the current and past project events are shown by a timeline, whereas the roadmap highlights the upcoming milestones.


If the quality of the open-source bug-tracking tool is better, then the product will also be better. It is crucial to have a bug reporting facility, assigning, reports, storage, and retrieval for bug tracking software. In every development procedure stage, bug tracking gets involved, which could help developers be productive. 

Solutions are offered faster by open-source bug-tracking software. Free processes of rigorous bug-tracking tools protect the interests of the parties involved in the development process. Artificial intelligence and machine learning will be involved in catching software bugs in a source code repository in the future.

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