Written By :Appsierra

Tue Oct 17 2023

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5 Most Common Automation Problems And Their Solution

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Automation Problems And Their Solution

Test automation is one of the hottest quality assurance trends nowadays. It is the answer to realizing CI/CD and agile QA processes, but many teams are struggling to achieve that due to many problems while implementing and working with test automation. Even professional engineers sometimes fail to effectively solve these problems earlier. Let's have a look at some most common automation problems, and discover solutions.

Most Common Automation Problems Modern QA Teams Face

What are the top problems that even modern cured teams have been sweating to solve with test automation? Let's go through these most common automation problems one by one and see if you are facing the same:

1. Unrealistic Expectations for Automated Testing

It is no longer a secret that test automation has many benefits. But essentially, it helps QA teams to save time, effort, and resources. Some unrealistic expectations people have for test automation could mess up the entire testing process. You can risk having too many test cases and QAs not doing their job. Here is why you can't bet on automated testing alone:

Manual testing matters: Manual testing should never be ignored. In some cases, testing and application manually is a better solution than writing automated test scripts. Manual testing is best suited for UI and usability testing, Quick compatibility testing, Ad hoc testing, etc.

Non-automated aspects of testing: More people are required by automated test scripts to support them. Even if you insist on automating as much of your testing efforts as possible, you will still have automated pieces of work left.

Solution: A defined plan for testing.

Unrealistic expectations for automated testing arise when the test method is not clear. So think about it carefully before you start with test automation. Please ask yourself these questions:

  1. Why is test automation necessary for your team/project/company?
  2. What are your objectives for test automation?

You are ready to jot down the exam strategy in light of the answers. This is essential since the whole testing procedure has to be guided. However, keep it clear and simple, and do not forget to update your test approach sometimes.

2. Using Wrong Tools

If you are using the right tools, test automation will work effectively. With so many testing solutions available on the market, it becomes very easy to get fooled. Choosing the wrong tool could result in scalability problems on top of never meeting your initial test automation goals.

Solution: Choose your tools wisely.

To solve this industrial automation problem, you should be aware of your needs. Try setting the requirements and goals you need to achieve with the tool before deciding on it. Think about this:

  1. Is the tool meeting your current goals?
  2. How to move past the automation problem economy?
  3. Does the tool support integration with your team's technology stack?
  4. What are the requirements criteria for the tool?

It takes some time to find the perfect solution that will align with your testing requirements. Here are a couple of tips that will help you choose the right tool. If you are looking for a reliable mobile UI automated testing tool, you can take a look at TestComplete. It is an easy-to-use solution that will allow you to create UI tests for web, desktop, and mobile applications.

3. Automating useless tests and neglecting the important Test Cases

Sadly, QA teams typically start by arbitrarily automating test cases when it comes to automation. They have inadequate test coverage and too many unnecessary tests. In addition, this method will not include crucial situations and software quality gaps.

Solution: Find out what automation is worth.

Research is necessary before developing test scripts. Find out what automation is worth and then you can begin applying automation, where it will have the biggest impact. Choose a good test procedure, mind testing, and reporting methods. According to Mike Cohn’s test automation pyramid, unit testing should begin: it's easy, economical, and quick to finish. Pass to API, integration, and testing of components. Finally, automate and just do a few UI tests. The possible hazards can also be estimated and tested suitably automated. Define and begin testing on the most susceptible locations of the system. Choose the most severe failures for your business.

Automating useless testsAutomating useless tests 

4. Choosing the wrong testing time

Many teams still consider testing to be something that happens after development. Only after the entire structure is ready, QAs begin their work. This obsolete technique cannot provide excellent software quality. It doesn't allow QAs to thoroughly test all levels and typically doesn't take a long time to test.

Solution: Perform automated testing in conjunction with development.

Only in the last phases should not testing take place. If you want to have successful test automation, start testing in the early stages of development and continue with the development cycle of software. Remember that testing is an important element of the continuous delivery pipeline: no effective installation of CI/CD is carried out without test automation.

5. Lack of Proper Testing

It is one of the trickiest of all industrial automation problems. Lack of proper testing occurs when QAs rely on automation too much and focus on test passing instead of discovering bugs. The main thing is that automation provides a false sense of security. With automated tests running repeatedly, it becomes fascinating to decrease human interference and responsibility for the results. Such a proposal will have devastating outcomes like poor test design, inconsistent and ineffective testing.

Solution: Testing team training.

Train your team properly before implementing automation. You should make sure that they know the process and have enough technical skills to support the test. Also, enforcing test automation with exploratory testing to achieve more precise results will do the job.


Many managers want to take advantage of test automation, but it's not simple to automate tests. Unrealistic requirements for automated testing may destroy the entire process. Automation may become difficult by using the incorrect tools. The automation of unnecessary tests and the abandonment of critical ones generate product quality gaps. The selection of the improper time to test will create barriers to the adoption of CI/CD. Too much automation might lead to inefficient testing. 

Fortunately, you can fix automation problem in fl studio. Remember that testing automation cannot and ought not to be your golden key. Find out what automation is worth before you start testing, conduct testing in parallel with your development, and especially choose trustworthy testing technologies that match your business objectives.

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