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What is the Cost of MeWe App Development? A Complete Guide

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Cost of MeWe App Development

It is a well-known fact that people are into social media platforms nowadays. These platforms provide what it takes to make one's life better. Therefore, there is no doubt that the competition in this domain is challenging. However, we can observe a rise in mobile apps with better performance than their rivals. MeWe is one of the high-performing social media services with highly-engaging features and benefits.

It is now capturing the users' hearts for the very same reason. In other words, it offers data privacy and an ad-free experience. If you plan to develop MeWe-like apps and are wondering about their cost, you are in the right place. So, in this article, we will help you walk through the essential features and factors that determine thecost of MeWe app development.

To know how much an app like MeWe costs, read our article and find out.

The MeWe app is a social media networking platform launched in 2012. Now, this app has over 20 million users worldwide. It is because it provides business-centric services that gained popularity for taking communication to the next level. Besides, MeWe protects the users' privacy with no ads or targeting. So, if you want to know thecost of MeWe app development, let us see how it differs from other platforms.

When it comes to mobile app development, understanding the cost factors involved in creating a MeWe app is crucial for successful implementation.

MeWe has made a grand entry post the Facebook and Whatsapp data privacy controversy. It allows users to customize feeds without manipulation or target-based content delivery from the app algorithm.

Discover the freedom of connecting with friends and expressing yourself on MeWe App, a leading social media platform that sets itself apart through privacy and innovation. Explore the possibilities of social media app development with MeWe, where your online interactions remain secure and your voice truly matters.

Besides, we know that people prefer secure and safe social media platforms. Therefore, MeWe gives control to users to choose the content and newsfeed they like.

In this blog, we will go through the following content:

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  • Why is MeWe popular?
  • Features of the MeWe app
  • Factors to Consider theCost of MeWe app development
  • How does Appsierra help with social media platform development?

Why is a MeWe-like App Getting Popular Now?

The platform marketing of the MeWe app was clear when it was first released. It aims to act as an alternative to Facebook. Similar to Facebook's user interface, the MeWe app offers users to create profiles and share posts. Besides, it allows users to react to the content with smiley icons and hearts. However, MeWe keeps the data protected against political biases and target advertisements.

Given below are some of the reasons whyMeWe like social networking app development, is getting popular:


MeWe app provides two versions for free and premium users. For free users, it offers authentic connections with friends and family. Besides, it provides open and closed groups to share views. It allows users to vanish their posts and messages after 24 hours. However, premium users can use the custom camera to create gifs and other fun features. They can use cloud features and customized profiles to connect with others.

When considering the cost of MeWe app development, it's essential to evaluate various factors, such as the complexity of features, design requirements, and the choice of technology stack, including application development using Java.

Different from other social media platforms

Most businesses consider thecost of MeWe app developmentnowadays. It is because the MeWe app has an anti-facebook stance. In other words, it avails data privacy and no advertisement policy. Besides, the MeWe algorithm is simple when compared to Facebook. Facebook algorithms influence the user's newsfeed. Secondly, the MeWe app requires a monthly subscription plan for specialized pages. Lastly, it has dual camera technology. It allows users to use front and back cameras.

No Advertisements

Unlike other social media platforms, the MeWe app relies on subscription plans and no ad earnings. Besides, they offer in-app purchases to the consumers. These are their source of revenue. However, other social media platforms have now become advertising platforms. For the MeWe app, they consider their users as advertisers and offer advanced features.

What are the Features and Determining Development Cost of MeWe?

Features are one of the factors that make a platform stand out from others. Moreover, it determines the overallcost of MeWe app development. If you want to create a MeWe app, given below are some key features:

Registration/ Profile creation

An app like MeWe does not collect users' data. However, the users must provide basic facts to sign up for the app. Therefore, your application must allow users to express themselves by including their name, gender, email, picture, etc.


Authorization is an essential feature tocreate next-gen social networkapps like MeWe. It safeguards the data privacy of the users and offers security features. In other words, it provides password recovery, end-to-end encryption and a reset mechanism.

Search Function

The user search function increases the stability of the app. It allows you to get access to your friends, family and people who share the same interest. Besides, this functionality keeps your app more visually appealing and engaging.


The messaging feature is worth thecost of MeWe app development. It allows users to text, send photos and videos, and other elements. As a result, it gives proper communication to the users.

Voice and video calling

MeWe app development costvaries depending on the needs and demands of the users. MeWe offers this feature to premium members. It allows them to connect with multiple users through voice or video with the help of Wifi and the Internet. MeWe also offers a live-streaming facility with a subscription plan.

Permission Control

With enhanced permission control, the users can decide who will see their data. Since users care about their privacy, they need options like invisible mode and removing their names from the search directory. The control over permission feature can be the USP of your app that can vary thecost of MeWe app.

Custom social cloud

MeWe app offers users to integrate their app content into a personal cloud. It allows them to upload and share content. Besides, the users can record and save the posts using cloud storage. Moreover, users can delete and remove their posts whenever necessary. It is worth thecost to develop an app like MeWeapp.


Tagging is a new feature that offers users to sort and organize the content they share and receive. The users can tag the content into multiple categories to easily search and discover with the help of filters.


Journals by MeWe determine the cost of MeWe app development. It allows the users to post stories with a timeline of 24 hours. However, premium users can maintain a journal with a collection of these stories. The users can save and organize stories for a lifetime of memories.


Notifications help update users on what happens around their MeWe circle. It is a must-have feature that keeps the users up-to-date with their feed on activities the user's friends and families get involved in.

Now we will learn the factors determining the development cost of an app like MeWe.

What are the Factors that Determine the Cost of MeWe App Development?

The MeWe app has gained popularity worldwide because of its data protection feature and no-ad experience. The following factors help you estimate the expense of developing an app like MeWe. They are:

App Type

The first factor determining thecost of MeWe app developmentis the type of app you like to build. In other words, you may want to develop a MeWe-like app that has basic features and functionalities. It can cost less than the app with complex designs, authentications and other parameters. Besides, the cost can also vary depending if it's wearable or IoT based.

App Design

A simple design with basic components for your app can cost less than one with a complex structure. Be it an uncomplicated or complicated engineered app, you must ensure to execute an engaging and well-designed layout for your app. Therefore, hire external developers from providers to gain access to global talents.

Team of Developers

You can collaborate with developers depending on your needs and demands. Your business can decide the desired level of experience in developers, their numbers and service type. With outsourcing, you can hire project managers, programmers, designers and testers. As a result, it impacts thecost of MeWe app.

Location of service providers

You can hire developers from companies across countries. The cost ranges are different in different areas. Therefore, you can decide on your budget limit and negotiate it with the service providers. Besides, hiring developers guarantee on-time delivery, quality product and end-to-end support.

Tech Stack and Tools

How to Make an App Like MeWe? A one-line answer to this question is Tech Stack. Your app requires the Tech Stack to develop high-performing and robust features. Besides, it depends on the platform you choose to build your application. It also affects thecost of MeWe app development.

How does Appsierra help with Social Media Platform Development?

Appsierra is one of the leading companies for social media app development services. The company has worked with well-established and renowned brands to build high-performing applications. Besides, We have a rich pool of talents to help you develop robust and secure applications. The developers are highly skilled and experienced in this domain. They ensure to fulfill your business vision into reality.

You can cooperate by hiring developers for your in-house team or outsourcing service for full-cycle development. You will get global talents for your social media app development. The company gives your tailored-fit developers that match your needs and requirements. They will also create MeWe-like apps. Besides, they ensure to keep thecost of MeWe app development within your budget limit.

When considering the cost of making an app like WhatsApp, factors such as development complexity, feature set, and platform compatibility play crucial roles in determining the cost of MeWe app development.


Social media platforms like Facebook have changed their data protection policies. It has meddled with the user's privacy. As a result, people are now looking for secure and safe social media networking platforms like MeWe apps. The MeWe app has gained popularity across countries for its security features, UI designs and many more. It can be a huge source of revenue for businesses since it allows companies to connect with quality consumers.

So, when you are planning to develop a MeWe-like app, it is essential to know the features and factors that determine the cost of MeWe app development. We believe our article helped you estimate the overall expense of social media app development.


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