Written By :Appsierra

Tue Nov 14 2023

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Understand All About Responsive Website Designing & Testing

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Responsive Website Designing & Testing

We are quickly getting to the point of being incapable of keeping up with the endless new resolution and devices in web design and development. Creating a website version for each solution and the new device would be impossible for many websites or impractical. Are we required to suffer the consequences of losing visitors from one device for the benefit of getting visitors from another? Or is there some other option?

What is Responsive Web Design Testing?

Responsive web design testing suggests that design and advancement should respond to users’ behavior based on screen size, platform, and orientation. The practice includes a mix of flexible grades and layouts, images, and intelligent uses of CSS media queries. As the user will switch from their laptop to iPad, the website must automatically switch for accommodating resolution, image size, and scripting abilities. One may also be necessary to consider their devices’ settings if they have a VPN for iOS on their iPad. For instance, the website should not hinder the user’s access to the page. The website should possess the technology for automatically responding to the user’s preferences. It would eradicate the requirement for a different design and development phase for each new gadget on the market.

Responsive Website Designing & Testing
Responsive Website Designing & Testing

The Concept of Responsive Web Design

It originates from the assumption of web responsiveness developmental design whereby a room or space automatically e adapts the number and flow of people within it: Recently a new discipline code responsive architecture has started asking how physical spaces could respond to people passing them. Through a compound of embedded robotics and tensile materials, architects explore art installations and wall structures that turn, flex, and develop as crowds try to overtake them.

How to test website responsiveness? Motion sensors could be paired with climate control systems for adjusting room temperature and ambient lighting as it fills with people. Smart class technology has already been developed by companies that could automatically become opaque when room occupants reached a certain density threshold providing them with the supplementary layer of privacy.

When we apply this discipline into web design, we get a similar result and a whole new idea. Why are custom web designs for each group of users created after all architects intend to design a building for each group size and type that passes through? Like responsive architecture, web design should also automatically adjust, and it should not require countless custom made clarifications for each new level of users. We cannot use motion sensors and robotics for accomplishing this way a building would. Responsive testing needs a more abstract way of thinking. Nevertheless, some ideas are already being practiced, such as fluid layouts, media queries, and scripts that can automatically reform web pages and markups.

1. Adjusting screen resolution

As more devices come into the market, changing screen resolutions, definitions, and orientations become a matter of concern. Instruments with new screen sizes are being developed each day, and some of these devices could handle variations in size, functionality, and even color. Some are in the landscape while others are in portrait, and still others even completely square. As we know from the rising popularity of the iPhone, iPad, and advanced smartphones, very few devices can switch from portrait to landscape at uses whim.

2. Part of the solution: flexible everything

A few years ago and adaptable layouts for almost a luxury for website the only loose things in a design were layout column and the text. Images could easily break structures, and even adjustable architectural elements broker layouts form when posting enough. Flexible arrangements are not that flexible as they could give or take a few hundred pixels. Still, they couldn’t adjust from a large computer screen to a netbook.

3. Flexible images

One of the major problems required to be solved with Responsive testing is working with images. There are several techniques for resizing images proportionally, and many are easily performed. The maximum width of an image is set at 100%- which can then modify itself as per the device. The 100% screen resolution of a computer/ laptop browser is much wider than that of a phone, but flexible images can change their dimension (get narrower) along with the screen dimension. During coding, we should mention the maximum dimension of an image and then the fluid image can resize itself as per requirement using CSS technology. 

4. Filament groups web responsiveness images

The filament group presented this technique as it considers this issue and resizes images proportionately. Still, lessons image resolution on smaller devices so very large images will not waste space needlessly on small screens. This technique requires a few files, all of which are available on GitHub. A JavaScript file (RWD-images.js), the .htaccess file and an image file(red.gif). We can then use a bit of HTML for referencing both larger and smaller resolution images.

5. Stopping iPhone simulator image resizing

One nice feature about the iPhone and iPod touch is that web designs automatically scale for fitting into their respective screen dimension. Unless specified, a full-size design can shrink proportionally for the tiny browser without scrolling for a mobile version. Then the user will easily be able to zoom in and out as necessary. Nevertheless, one issue was created by this simulator. When responsive web design basics took off, many people noticed that images were still changing proportionally with the page even if they’ve been particularly made for a tiny screen. It, in turn, scaled down text and other elements.

6. Custom layout structure

We may want to change the layout altogether for extreme size changes either through a separate stylesheet or more efficiently through a CSS media query. It is not required to be inconvenient as most of the styles could remain the same while specific style sheets could inherit these styles and move elements around with float, width, heights, etc.

7. Media queries

All of the same media types as CSS 2.1 are supported by CSS3, such as print and handheld, but dozens of new media features including Max-width, device-width, orientation and color were added. New devices created after the release of CSS3, such as the iPad and Android devices, will support media features. So requesting a media query by using CSS3 characteristics for targeting these devices should work just fine, and it will be ignored if obtained by an older computer browser that does not support CSS3.

8. JavaScript

Another technique used is JavaScript primary as a backup to devices that don’t support all CSS3 media query options. Fortunately, a premade JavaScript library makes older browsers support CSS3 media queries.


Responsive web design basics and techniques discussed above are not the final answers to the ever-changing Mobile World. Responsive web design testing is a concept that could improve the user experience when implemented correctly but not completely resolve it for every user, device, and platform. We will be required to constantly work with new appliances, resolutions, and technologies for continuously improving user experience as technology evolves in the coming years.

Also Read: Responsive Website Design & Development Services

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