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Best Cross Browser Testing Tools Overview

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Cross Browser Testing Tools

In multiple browser environments, cross-browser testing requires comparing and analyzing the website’s actions. It makes sure that, regardless of the browser used to access it, your website has an ideal experience for users.

What is Cross Browser Testing?

Cross Browser Testing is a method of testing to check whether an application function as planned and gracefully degrades across different browsers. It is the method of checking the compatibility of your application with various browsers.

Cross Browser Testing for any Application Analyzer may be the greatest pressure. But thanks to all available online Cross-Browser Research resources, including the services provided by a trusted Cross Browser Testing Company, that help reduce testing efforts.

How to select a Test Management Tool?

You can pick a tool for test management that blends easily with automation software. Look for the ability to control both local and remote host test scripts and plan and launch tests. The market has several free and paid browser test information accessible.

Depending on your requirements, you need to pick the browser compatibility test tool. If cross-browser testing is a vital part of your web project, you have to devote a large amount of time, money, and budget to test your website on multiple web browsers.

Top 7 Tools for Cross-Browser Testing

Check the list below of all free browser testing tools available online for multi-browser website testing:


Test and debug collaboratively on live remote computers, view your site simultaneously on multiple browsers, or run automatically using Cross Browser testing using Selenium automation testing services, Appium, or your other favorite frameworks. With parallel testing and integration with CI instruments such as Jenkins, agile teams will test faster.


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  1. You will be able to perform single or simultaneous snapshots and regression tests with Cross Browser Testing.
  2. You can get exposure to nearly the entire app via its elegant REST API.
  3. It gives you complete access to resources and plugins for developers, such as FireBug and Chrome Dev Tools.
  4. With Selenium and Appium cloud testing, your team would be able to expand the automation pace.

2. Lambda Testing

Lambda Test is a cloud-based cross-browser testing tool that allows you to quickly conduct a web app or website code compliance. On Lambda Test’s flexible cloud grid, you can run automated selenium scripts, or you can even perform web-based testing in real browser conditions.


  1. Run Selenium automation tests for 2000+ browser experiences on a flexible Selenium grid
  2. Perform an automated screenshot and sensitive website evaluation
  3. Using SSH Tunnel, test your centrally or independently owned website.
  4. Signing in to your favorite bug tracking platform with one click, such as Asana, BitBucket, GitHub, JIRA, Microsoft VSTS, Slack, Trello, etc.
  5. 24*7 Support for chat

3. TestComplete

Automate the process of browser testing to verify browser compatibility with various browsers and operating systems.


  1. TestComplete is a functional automated testing tool for the UI that you can use on any web application to build and run tests.
  2. Run parallel experiments through more than 1500 actual test environments, all without any configuration or setup.
  3. Get access to the new computers, resolutions, browsers, and operating systems in real-time in the on-demand cloud lab of TestComplete.

4. BrowserStack Live 

BrowserStack Live is a browser monitoring platform and mobile application. On 2000+ browsers, you can test your website, making it one of the extensive compatibility checks for your browser. You can use their cloud platform to test your website on real devices running Android and iOS. 

This method is also useful on various operating systems and actual mobile devices for checking websites.


  1. There’s no setup needed. In the true system cloud, it will trigger instant testing.
  2. It includes over 2000 web browsers and almost all actual browsers for mobile devices.
  3. A highly secured network.
  4. Interactive devices

5. Ranorex Studio

Ranorex Studio is a one-stop shop for cross-browser testing and web application development. Automate tests for a wide range of web technologies and frameworks, including HTML5, Java, and JavaScript webpages, Salesforce, Flash, and Flex apps, and many more. 

Cross-domain iframes, shadow DOM components, the open-source Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF), and JxBrowser-based integrated desktop apps are also supported by Ranorex.


  1. Reliable object recognition, except for dynamic IDs on web components.
  2. For successful test development and reduced maintenance, configurable object database, and reusable code modules.
  3. Data-driven and keyword-driven testing.
  4. Configurable test report with test execution video reporting – see what occurred in a test run without having to re-run the test.
  5. Run parallel cross-browser tests or distribute them on a Selenium Grid with Selenium Webdriver support built-in.
  6. It interacts with Jira, Jenkins, TestRail, Git, Travis CI, and other software.

6. Comparium

Comparium is a simple application for testing cross-browser compatibility across multiple platforms. The service delivers online resource snapshots with various OS and browser combinations, compares results acquired in manual and auto modes, and performs live-time tests for even better results. 

Comparium simplifies your testing routine by including something new and adding additional functionality with all of the minimum essential resources in one spot.


  1. Browser screenshots are gathered all in one location and can be easily compared manually or in automatic mode.
  2. Automatic identification by highlighting, visual incompatibilities.
  3. For all the new browsers, help.
  4. Real-time testing provides you with a link to the desired browser and any of the operating systems available, allowing you to review the site without downloading additional programs.

7. Browsera

This is the perfect platform for your website for checking cross-browser templates and scripting errors. This is an automated testing tool for browser compatibility that is used in various browsers to test a website and its components. This service can be used to audit a webpage and all websites for errors in format and coding.


  1. Find layout issues
  2. Find errors with JS
  3. You can test the whole website,
  4. Checking Dynamic Site
  5. Can test sites behind authentication login
  6. The best part is that deployment is not mandatory.

If you can’t depend on these resources online, then the best option for you is to use Virtual Desktop. You can replicate a live environment for various websites and operating systems using a Virtual Machine. 

One can use virtual server software or set up a virtual machine with various operating system images and browsers on your office network that can be remotely accessed for browser compatibility testing. The choice of a suitable cross-platform tool depends on your need, as its advantages and disadvantages come with the browser compatibility testing tool.

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