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Why Does Continuous Testing Deserve More Recognition In IT Industry?

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Continuous Testing

In this post, we will learn about automated testing in ci cd, Continuous Integration Testing, continuous test automation, continuous testing framework, and continuous testing in DevOps. So let’s get started!

What is Automated Testing In CI CD

Test automation means concentrating continuously on detecting flaws, mistakes, and bugs as early and rapidly as possible in the software development procedure. This is performed utilizing tools that follow quality as the highest value and are set in place to assure quality, not just follow it. 

One of the most essential characteristics of a continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) solution also named a DevOps pipeline is the chance to test more repeatedly without troubling creators or operators with further manual work. Let’s discuss why that’s crucial.

Why Automate Testing in CI/CD?

Agile teams iterate quicker to provide software and customer satisfaction at increased rates, and these burdens can endanger quality. Global competition has built poor tolerance for flaws while boosting pressure on agile teams for quicker iterations of software delivery. Well, you might be curious to know what’s the industry solution to ameliorate this pressure? The answer is DevOps.



DevOps is a huge idea with various definitions, but one technology that is invariably crucial to DevOps success is CI/CD. Designing a consecutive cycle of development through a channel of software development can direct to recent opportunities for testing. Now let’s look at the automated testing in ci cd.

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Continuous Integration vs Continuous Delivery

Continuous integration (CI) is a software development exercise in which tiny adjustments to the underlying code in an application are assessed every time a team member makes modifications. 

CI tries to speed up the release procedure by facilitating teams to discover and fix bugs before in the development cycle and motivating stronger collaboration between developers by making it a significant exercise for agile teams. 

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Historically, creators helped individually on parts of an application and would later incorporate their code with the rest of the team’s manually. Relying on when another build happened, it could take a few days, or even weeks, discerned if the new code would smash anything. 

This isolated procedure frequently leads to creators duplicating their code creation actions, developing with varied coding strategies, and building many difficult to find and fix bugs.

In a CI environment, creators integrate their code alterations in a shared repository many times a day so that it can be perpetrated, tested, and assessed continuously. Executing CI speeds up the development procedure and assures that bugs are captured earlier in the cycle. 

Continuous delivery (CD) is the method of receiving modern builds into the hands of users as instantly as possible. It is the ordinary next phase beyond CI and is a strategy utilized to minimize the risks related to releasing software and modern features.

Broadcasting software updates are notoriously severe and time-consuming. Continuous delivery lessens the risks and efforts related to this procedure by assuring that every alteration made to the underlying code of an application is releasable that means each update is minor and can be provided to users more often. 

By making releases less dramatic events that can be conducted on-demand whenever fresh code is prepared, teams can make their development procedure more productive, less hazardous, and can receive feedback from users quicker. If problems are found in creation, they can be mashed quickly by barely rolling out the next update.

Now you might be interested in knowing what this means for testers? For testers, this commonly implies they must:

  1. Test earlier and more frequently with automation
  2. Resume to test “real-world” workflows automated and manual
  3. To be more particular, the role of testing in any aspect, whether it’s run by the developers who write the code or formulated by a team of quality assurance engineers, is to take benefit of the CI/CD infrastructure to gain quality while moving fast.

So what else do testers require to perform? To get further particularities, testers are accountable for:

  1. Testing modern and existing software applications
  2. Verifying and validating functionality by assessing software against system prerequisites
  3. Using automated-testing tools to evolve and maintain reusable automated tests
  4. Working together with all members of the scrum team to comprehend the functionality being formulated and the enactment’s technical design to design and develop detailed, high-quality automated tests
  5. Analyzing documented user prerequisites and building or assisting in designing test plans for relatively to highly complicated software or IT systems
  6. Formulating automated tests and helping with the functional team to review and assess test scenarios
  7. Collaborating with the technical team to recognize the proper approach to automating tests within the advancement environment
  8. Functioning with the team to comprehend and decide software problems with automated tests, and responding to recommendations for changes or enhancements
  9. Participating in backlog grooming, analysis, and other agile scrum processions
  10. Helping in describing standards and methods to support testing activities and materials like scripts, configurations, tools, utilities, plans, and results)

What type of Continuous Testing is Significant?

There are various types of tests you can utilize. The multiple types aren’t strong lines between disciplines; rather, they are numerous ways of conveying how to test. It is less crucial to compare the kinds of tests and more essential to maintain coverage for each test type.

  • Functional testing assures that the software has the functionality in its prerequisites.
  • Unit testing solely tests tinier units or elements of a software application to test their functionality.
  • Load testing assesses the performance of the software application during heavy load or use
  • Stress testing discerns the software application’s breakpoint when under stress (utmost load).
  • Integration testing checks a group of elements that are incorporated or combined to create an output.
  • Regression testing tests the whole application’s functionality when any element, no matter how minor has been changed.


To conclude we can say that any software development procedure that comprises continuous testing is on its way toward creating a significant feedback loop to go quick and build effective software. Very importantly, the process creates quality into the CI/CD pipeline and suggests a knowledge of the connection between boosting speed while decreasing risk and waste in the software development lifecycle.

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