Written By :Appsierra

Mon Apr 01 2024

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Top 7 Codeless Automation Testing Tools

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codeless automation testing tools

It can take years of practice to master coding. It is difficult, time-consuming, and cost-increasing to have testers program a bunch of codes, repair errors in applications, and finish backlogs in weeks. In applying test automation to agile projects, the World Quality Study 2019-2020 pointed out that the lack of specialized programming knowledge is one of the key challenges. We might claim that an emerging solution to the problem is the development of codeless automation testing tools.

Let’s first describe what codeless test automation is. It means producing automated tests without a line of code being required. Based on this concept, Codeless automation testing tools can enable testers with less coding skills, non-Dev users, with workflow project templates, element libraries, and configuration of interfaces. Also, new technologies have been introduced to the testing process, enabling users. 

For example, to automate stable and reusable tests incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning algorithms into the self-healing mechanism, eventually leading to continuous test execution and reliable performance. One of the most influential automation testing developments in 2020 is said to be the smooth rise in the adoption of codeless test automation tools.

Codeless Automation Testing Tools

Here is the list of codeless automation testing tools:

1. Katalon Studio

For its broad test capabilities: Web, API, Mobile, and Desktop applications, this codeless tool is popular. The user-friendly GUI, record and replay, and drag and drop commands of Katalon are simple but powerful features that help newbies get started with test automation efficiently. Users can easily import several external libraries and let the tool do it, without the need to create a system from scratch. 

The rich collection of built-in keywords dual-scripting interfaces and many other advanced features will also satisfy both experts and seasoned users. These powerful features allow users to easily write their specialized test scripts. You may want to give this tool a try if you want to write test scripts at ease and collect such design principles along the way.

2. TestCraft

As an end-to-end automation testing tool material, TestCraft was implemented for regression and continuous testing. The tool also includes a test script with previously encoded inputs, like other codeless automation testing tools material with the Record and Replay feature, which must be customized later. Tweaking some codes could break the script of the test. Smart Binding refers to smart component locators that can capture different attributes, such as IDs, location, text value, or size, instantly.

3. Perfecto

Perfecto, a cloud-based test automation system for web-based and mobile applications, is trusted by large teams. To optimize the CI/CD pipeline, it provides detailed AI analytics with error categories. Multiple compatible web and mobile app testing devices, browsers, and OS combinations are also offered. Within Perfecto, 97.4 percent of app changes account for stable and AI-driven bindings. 

The self-healing function allows test scripts to run constantly without any necessary interruptions or maintenance. Perfecto cloud-based applications are designed to ensure that they operate seamlessly regardless of any business challenges, such as new iOS or Android version upgrades, new browsers, or launches of smartphones. Although having a range of advanced features, the tool’s trial duration is very short, making it difficult for the team to test the tool.

4. CloudQA

CloudQA, developed on top of Selenium, is a powerful framework for cloud-based, automated codeless test automation. It is built to develop, manage, and run tests in parallel with several browsers. CloudQA provides its users with an interactive reporting platform for easily building and scheduling regression testing fits, not just a record and replay tool.

Top 7 Codeless Automation Testing Tools

Without the advanced programming skills needed, CloudQA gives you Selenium’s equivalent strength. Documented experiments are placed into modules that are maintainable and visualized into forms that are easy to understand. For regression testing, load testing, and synthetic tracking, even related tests can be reused.

5. Sikuli

Sikuli is an Interface test automation tool based on Python frameworks that can automate anything that has native GUI components like toolbars, Windows dialogues, dialogue boxes, and Linux programs on the computer. To be precise, to optimize its strengths, tests are automated by screenshots (using PowerPoint) using IDE scripts. Furthermore, in the visual scripting API, Sikuli IDE acts as an editor to control screenshots and test the commands for computer vision. However, to note one of its drawbacks, Sikuli allows users to install the Java runtime (a visible framework GUI) as an extra plugin in comparison with other codeless resources.

6. Mabl

Due to the broad coverage of web browser automation, Mabl is regarded as one of the simplest SaaS solutions that incorporate automated end-to-end testing into the entire life cycle of software development. For both developers and testers, this is a single DevTestOps framework for the simple yet fast generation and execution of automated functional UI tests on a scale. By simply fetching data using the user’s reported behavior, you can write scriptless code. Furthermore, the tool will optimize the data’s potential; from the user interface, and visual design, to performance testing by running rigorous tests in minutes, in parallel, and in the cloud, across all major browsers.

7. Leap work

With a user-friendly interface and advanced features, Leap Work is one of the cloud-based, codeless automation testing tools. Within a few clicks, users can use the standard library and predetermined building blocks to design automated test cases easily. The tool empowers workers across web apps, Windows applications, SAP applications, and more to perform automated testing and procedures. Also, it helps you to run tests flexibly by customizing run schedules in both local and distant environments. Leap work automatically alerts you to SMS in case of any output errors. For better adjustments, you can review live dashboards and informative reports.

In short, no perfect codeless testing instrument is available. The thing to do is to consider the benefits and drawbacks of each approach and balance them with the specifications and features of your team (project status/maturity, team size, general domain awareness of team members, applied Agile model, etc.), you can shortlist the possible tools and pick the best-suited ones. 

In terms of the agile software development process, all aspects combined and considered, codeless automation testing tools come as an avoidable pattern, a preferred solution. They relieve QA testers from the pressure of mastering complicated testing systems or technologies or possessing specialized coding skill sets to effectively automate tests. AI/ML adoption brings these resources to a higher level with the versatility to adjust codes, decrease flakiness, and boost maintenance.

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